About Toledo Coin Exchange
Our History
Toledo Coin Exchange started as a part-time business in 1960 with its then owner Clyde Englehardt renting and using a post office box and spending many weekends setting up to buy and sell at local and major coin shows. From this part-time business, Clyde eventually made the decision to quit his full-time job at Champion Spark Plug and open a small store on Monroe Street, a major thoroughfare running through Toledo and Sylvania, Ohio.

Business continued to grow, creating a need for more space, and six years later, Toledo Coin Exchange relocated to 5590 Monroe Street in Sylvania, where it still resides nearly forty years later. Along with his beloved wife Norma, Clyde served the Northwest Ohio numismatic community dutifully acting as the area’s largest market maker in rare coins, gold, and silver. Englehardt was a true pillar of the Sylvania community and was an active bowler, freemason, and Shriner for over sixty years. With a reputation for honesty, integrity, and treating all those encountered with fairness and a smile, Clyde’s legacy and impact on the Greater Toledo community cannot be overstated.

New Ownership
In early 2024 Cylde Englehardt retired after a remarkable 60+ year career serving the Toledo area. New owner Brett Charville, a Sandusky, Ohio native who frequented the store as a kid, began operating Toledo Coin Exchange with the goal of continuing Clyde’s legacy of integrity, transparency, and stewardship within the community.
A lifetime numismatist himself, Charville was previously the president of the Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS), the largest coin grading service in the world, as well as a former board member of the Professional Numismatist Guild. Currently Charville acts as a board member of the Anti-Counterfeiting Education Foundation (ACEF), and is a former numismatic grading instructor at the American Numismatic Association. A lifetime member of the American Numismatic Association Charville has personally handled or overseen the authentication of hundreds of millions of dollars in rare coins, notably a 1913 Liberty Nickel, multiple 1894-s Barber Dimes, and the legendary 1933 $20 Double Eagle, which sold for a record $18.9 million dollars in auction 2021.
Toledo Coin Exchange Today
Featuring a large walk-in vault and extensive showroom area, Toledo Coin Exchange is the largest and busiest coin shop in the Greater Toledo area. With a helpful full-time staff with over 100 years of combined numismatic experience Toledo Coin Exchange is the area’s leading buyer and seller of rare coins, precious metals, and scrap jewelry. No deal or collection is too large or small and we pride ourselves on treating all customers with the utmost respect and are always happy to take the time to educate both interested buyers and sellers.